Monday, November 26, 2012


We're almost settled back into our daily routine after returning from Hawaii on Saturday night. Normally after a week of vacation time I'm ready to get back to normal life. There's a lingering feeling that I need to get back to work, but that wasn't the case in Hawaii. I didn't want to leave. I felt an immediate sense of relaxation on the beach that I've never felt on any other beach.

One day I put Eli down for a nap and my dad stayed in the hotel so my mom and I could go down to the beach. It was overcast but still eighty degrees, which some people would probably complain about, but I prefer overcast weather. We sat on beach chairs away from the noise of kids playing in the sand. We both brought books with us but ended up falling asleep. I took a nap on the beach in warm, overcast Hawaii. After an hour of sleeping I woke up and read a few chapters of my book. It was probably my favorite day during our stay.

Other highlights of the trip:

Mango Pina Colada smoothies

Shaved ice with ice cream

Shrimp from Giovanni's shrimp truck


Nature hikes

Snorkeling in clear water

Going in the spa every day

Being with my amazing family

I want to add a special thank you to my family for their help. It's not easy traveling with a baby, and we honestly could not have done it without their help and patience. Also thank you to my parents for taking us on this once-in-a-lifetime trip! It's nice to cross things off the bucket list.


Exploring at the waterfall 

Eli being cute with chip residue on his shirt 

Trent finally got to jump off a cliff in Hawaii 

Trent being a gentleman and helping Anthony down the rock 

View from our rock walk 

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Today I am thankful for 

my parents

my husband 

my son 

my friends 

my health

my safety  

and Hawaii, because it has been an incredible vacation 

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I love fall in Chino Hills. It's cold enough to wear boots and sweaters, but you don't have to scrape ice off your windshield in seventeen degree weather every morning (which is what I will be doing in a few months). October was full of sewing, spending time with family, the Pumpkin Festival, and of course Halloween. Oh and I ate a ridiculous amount of sugar every day. We even made a rule that we're not going to bring in sugary snacks to work this month because we were eating ourselves sick. My boss bought a bag of Chips Ahoy cookies and the entire bag was gone within one hour. 

I am so proud of my mom for getting through October and yet again managing a successful Pumpkin Festival. Over 50,000 people came and my mom was pretty much in charge of everything. I don't know how she did it and still had energy at the end of the day. I'm so blessed to have such a hardworking example in my life.
I took Eli trick or treating for the first time, and he loved it! Well, actually he was slightly confused by the whole thing. He kept reaching out and wanting more candy and because he's quite convincing he always got a second piece. Trent and I decided that we wanted him to be Dr. Peterson for Halloween, so I made him tiny scrubs and a tiny white coat. He wore the costume for about twenty minutes before there was chocolate all over it. 

Here are some pictures from October! 

Hand sewing some belts. 

Eli and I watching cartoons together. 

The pumpkin patch! 

Farm Store orange juice is amazing. 

Trick or treat! 


Trent hid underneath the table and moved every time someone reached for the candy. 

The end.